
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fast Weight Loss – Tips and Techniques:

Do you have a special occasion coming up? Would you like to fit into that special outfit and just have a few pounds to go? Do you need to lose weight fast, if yes, you may want to continue reading.

Although fast weight loss is usually not recommended, it can help kick start a longer term weight loss regime or it may be a bit of a confidence booster. The first thing I would recommend when trying to lose weight is consult your doctor to ensure you get a full physical examination first.

In order to lose weight fast you must think of the following; what you eat, how you eat, exercise and mindset.

Begin by changing your lifestyle and find a diet plan that suits your lifestyle.
Be realistic set small targets and aim to stick to them. Big achievements can be made with baby steps.

Start exercising. Should it only be taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Begin by walking slowly and work your way up to power walking or jogging. Walking alone when added to your diet can increase weight loss by 2lbs per week. Dance, swim or any other type of exercise you want to do, but make sure you enjoy it. This way you will stick to it. There are lots of options available today to help you exercise.

Replace coffee with green tea. Coffee can cause your body to become dehydrated

Increase your intake of water. Ideally a person should drink almost half of their body weight in water. I know this may be difficult to do, but it will speed up your weight and suppress your appetite. Drink a glass of water before each meal. Sometimes the body may appear hungry, but it is actually dehydrated. Drinking water can make you feel fuller and therefore help you eat less. Listen to what your body wants. Stop eating once you feel full up. Don’t forget to drink water as it helps eliminate waste from the body to lose weight.

Reduce your portion sizes. Eat more vegetables and salads with each meal to fill you up. Everybody’s metabolism differs to diet plans, change of eating and exercise. So find a plan which suits your metabolism and stick with it. The one I found works best is! This program gives you 3 options for your body type to choose from. You simply answer a few simple questions to find your type. It couldn’t be simpler. Then you follow the menus and recipes provided to lose weight.

Dieting helps lose weight, but exercise tones up the body, if you do both you will get better results. Muscle helps burn fat so a little muscle goes a long way in helping lose weight and a toned body always looks great.

Detoxing the body can help you drop pounds almost instantly. Internal cleansing can help increase your metabolism, improve your energy, improve digestion, improve the condition of your skin, reduce bloating and help with constipation. Its overall health benefits are great and it also aids weight loss.

Grill your food instead of deep frying it, as grilled food contains less fat after it has been cooked.

Juicing is a great way of cleansing all of the internal organs and aids fast weight loss. Juicing raw food such as carrots, apples, celery etc can help the body restore itself to full health. Processed foods are normally high in fat and low in nutrition, but when a person starts juicing, the body can easily absorb the nutrients and vitamins within the food that may be lost after cooking. There are a lot of health benefits to juicing and it is one of the fastest ways to lose weight.

Remember when trying to lose weight, do not stop eating as this will only cause your body to store fat. In order to keep your metabolism working correctly you need to eat the correct type of foods and reduce your consumption of foods containing high amounts of sugar, salt and additives. Where possible, try to eliminate “junk food” from your diet, even if it is until you have reached your target weight. But remember, if you fall back into your old eating habits after losing weight, you may put the weight back on.

The world we live in today is fast paced and people always seem to be in a hurry, therefore I have included fast weight loss tips for that special occasion or to kick start a longer term weight loss plan. Instead of telling yourself that you are on a restricted diet, just make your weight loss plan a way of life by changing your eating plan and incorporating an exercise regime into your life. Sometimes you may reach a plateau in your weight loss regime, but do not give up. Try to change your exercise technique or increase your physical activity levels, drink more water and be positive. This should normally get you back track.

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